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Alice Running: Neuroaffirming Autism Specialist
Huffington Post
I'm Autistic. Lockdown Has Been Sensory Torture.
Huffington Post
Austerity Means My Autistic Son's Educational Future Is At Risk.
The F-Word
Autism and women: vulnerability and abusive relationships.
SEN Magazine
How Can Professionals Best Support Autistic Parents?
Special Needs Jungle
Creating a PDA Coping System after Camhs' Strategies Failed My Son.
The Mighty
Why I Don't Agree With 'Age Appropriate' Play for My Autistic Children.
The Mighty
Please Don't Use Autistic Self-Regulation Activities as Rewards.
The Metro
As an autistic woman, I've found mental health support lacking.
The Metro
My kids, my mum and I are all autistic - we're incredibly proud to be.
Getting sober after years of binge drinking revealed my undiagnosed autism, and the real me.
In Print
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